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Home / Blog / The Value of AI in Effective Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

The Value of AI in Effective Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

An in-depth look at the AI tools that aid recruitment, and how they help you make better hires.

Alina Neverova
Global Talent Acquisition Expert
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Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing various aspects of business operations, including recruitment and talent acquisition. As the job market continues to be fiercely competitive, companies are seeking new ways to improve their recruitment and talent acquisition processes. The advancement and integration of AI technology into HR and different stages of the talent acquisition lifecycle is among the most promising developments in this area.

AI-powered tools have catalyzed recruitment process automation, making tasks quicker, more efficient, and more accurate. They offer significant potential to streamline and enhance recruiting efforts, enabling organizations to attract, engage, and retain top talent more effectively than ever before.

This article will delve into the intricacies of AI for recruitment and talent acquisition. We will explore what it entails, how it functions, and the benefits it brings to HR specialists and business owners.

In This Article

The Nuts and Bolts of AI for Recruitment and TA

AI has changed the hiring process by streamlining various components like candidate screening, evaluation, engagement, and decision-making. AI-powered tools such as ChatGPT and HireVue assessments are designed to automate these processes, providing a more efficient, objective, and data-driven approach.

What does AI for Talent Acquisition Look Like?

AI is more prevalent than a lot of people realize. It is native to plenty of tools we use daily for communications, shopping, and entertainment. The recruitment space is not different, you may be using AI already without realizing it.

An AI-generated image of a talent acquisition professional using ATS software.

Here are some examples of AI that you may already have in your hiring funnel, or can start incorporating:

  • AI-powered job advertising platforms: These candidate sourcing platforms optimize job postings and target candidate profiles to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Language optimization tools: Tools like Textio help you optimize the language and structure of your job postings, making them more attractive and engaging to potential candidates.
  • Chatbots and virtual assistants: These tools handle candidate inquiries and streamline communication, providing a more personalized candidate experience. AI-driven HR chatbots like the ones offered by XOR and Mya automate candidate communication, enabling you to maintain a high level of engagement with prospective talent throughout the recruitment process.
  • Resume screening tools: Tools like Ideal use screening processes powered by machine learning to assess and rank qualified candidates based on their suitability, skill set, and fitness for a particular role.
  • AI-driven video interviewing platforms: Platforms like HireVue use AI to analyze video interviews and provide insights into candidate communication skills, personality traits, and overall fit for the role. This potential for added analysis is one of many benefits of video interviewing.
  • Predictive analytics tools: These talent management tools help recruiters identify potential talent gaps and proactively plan for future hiring needs.
  • Talent marketplace solutions: Solutions like Gloat identify and match internal candidates with relevant job opportunities within your organization, fostering talent development and retention.

For more solutions to improve your hiring funnel, take a look at SSR reviews of the best AI recruiting tools.

Using AI Tools for Recruitment

Candidate Screening

AI-powered tools can analyze resumes, cover letters, and other candidate data to identify top candidates based on predefined criteria. These tools can also analyze candidate behavior during interviews, including tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language, to provide additional insights into the candidate's fit for the role.

Candidate Engagement

Recruitment tools that incorporate AI can automate communication with candidates, sending personalized messages and updates on the hiring process. These tools can also provide candidates with information about the company and the role, answer their questions, and schedule interviews. For example, IBM's Watson Recruitment AI can engage with candidates via email or chat, answering questions about the company and the job, scheduling interviews, and providing feedback on resumes and cover letters.


Using AI in HR processes allows hiring managers to analyze data on candidate performance, including interview scores, test results, and behavioral data, to identify the top candidates for the role. These tools can also provide insights into which candidates are most likely to stay with the company long-term and have the potential for growth.

An AI-generated image of a recruiter reviewing job applicants.

Clearly, there are several benefits to using AI in recruitment.

  • First, it can significantly reduce recruitment time and costs. According to a report by Phenom, 56% of recruiters spend more than a full working day just scheduling interviews for a vacancy.
  • Second, AI can help to improve the quality of hires by reducing bias in the recruitment process and identifying candidates who may have been overlooked by traditional screening methods. This can lead to a more diverse and inclusive workforce, which has been shown to have numerous benefits for businesses, including increased innovation and improved financial performance.
  • Third, AI can enhance the candidate experience by automating communication and providing personalized feedback, making the recruitment process more transparent and engaging.

How AI Improves Your Recruiting Efforts

Here are some of the key areas where the use of AI-powered tools outperforms human TA specialists and recruiters:

Speed and Efficiency

AI-driven recruitment platforms can process vast amounts of data much more quickly than human recruiters. They can screen and rank candidates, optimize job postings, and perform other tasks in a fraction of the time it would take a human recruiter, making the recruitment process faster and more efficient.

Data-Driven Insights

AI tools can analyze complex data sets and generate actionable insights to inform recruiting strategies. For example, they can identify patterns in candidate behavior, predict talent gaps, and provide recommendations for targeted recruitment marketing campaigns, helping companies make better hiring decisions.

Unbiased Decision-Making

AI-driven tools can assess candidates based on objective criteria, reducing the potential for discrimination in the hiring process. Unlike human recruiters, who may be influenced by unconscious biases, AI-driven tools make unbiased decisions, ensuring that candidates are evaluated fairly and objectively.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Implementing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide a more personalized, responsive, and engaging candidate experience, helping to improve an organization's employer brand and attract top talent. These tools can interact with candidates and new hires in real-time, 24/7 to answer their questions, and keep them informed throughout the recruitment process and onboarding, thereby creating a positive candidate experience.

Improved Hiring Decisions

As reported by Workable, a study by the Society for Human Resource Management found that the average time-to-fill a position was 42 days, while another study by Glassdoor showed that recruiters typically spend only 6 seconds reviewing a resume. It’s hard to imagine the best possible hire coming from this process.

In contrast, AI applicant tracking systems (ATS) can quickly scan resumes, analyze candidate data, and identify the best candidates based on predetermined criteria. This not only speeds up the recruitment process, but also ensures that candidates are being evaluated fairly and objectively.

It is important to note that AI-powered recruitment tools should not replace human recruitment teams entirely. Ideally, AI should be used to augment the recruitment process, not replace it. In spite of all the concerns about AI, human recruiters bring valuable skills such as empathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence, which are critical in identifying and engaging with top talent. By combining the strengths of both AI-powered tools and human recruiters, companies can create a more efficient and effective recruitment process.

An AI-generated image of a recruiter using AI recruitment tools.

An AI Recruitment Success Story

Unilever, one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world, was faced with a significant recruitment challenge. They had to select 800 individuals from a massive pool of 250,000 applicants for their Future Leaders Programme. The existing process was outdated, slow, and unable to effectively filter the best candidates. To make the process more efficient and engaging, Unilever partnered with HireVue, a company that uses AI-powered video interviews and assessment technology.

By using AI, HireVue was able to filter up to 80% of the candidate pool using data points, which helped to identify the most likely successful candidates for Unilever. This approach not only saved a significant amount of time and cost, but it also enabled Unilever to hire the largest and most diverse group of candidates. In just one year, Unilever saved over £1 million ($1,25 million) in recruitment costs. Recruitment time was reduced by 75%. Moreover, 80% of the candidates who used HireVue technology had a positive experience.

The example shows how AI is transforming the recruitment process by making it more efficient, effective, and engaging for both employers and candidates.

How AI Aids TA and Recruitment Marketing

Artificial Intelligence can play a crucial role in recruitment marketing, which is the process of promoting a company's employer brand and attracting potential candidates for open positions.

By analyzing different metrics such as job postings and social media engagement, AI-powered tools can assist recruiters in optimizing their recruitment marketing strategy. This way, recruiters can target suitable candidates with relevant messages at the right time.

For example, Phenom People is a recruitment marketing platform that uses AI to analyze data on candidate behavior. It examines how long they spend on job postings and which social media platforms they prefer. Based on this data, the platform can provide suggestions on which job postings to promote, which social media platforms to use, and what messaging to use in recruitment marketing campaigns.

Another example of an AI-powered recruitment marketing solution is Eightfold.ai It offers talent intelligence and recruitment marketing solutions that include job advertising optimization and candidate engagement. With the help of AI, Eightfold.ai can assist recruiters in identifying the right candidates for job openings and engaging with them through targeted messaging.

How Much Human Input is Required?

AI algorithms have their limitations. They can only work with the data at hand, and they might miss critical details that human recruiters can easily notice, such as a good cultural fit or nonverbal cues. Additionally, AI tools need to be regularly monitored and adjusted to ensure they provide precise and relevant results. It requires human oversight and input to refine algorithms and ensure they align with the company's objectives and values.

As mentioned above, AI-driven hiring tools can support and significantly enhance the recruitment process. However, they are not meant to replace human recruiters. AI solutions automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks. In addition, these tools provide data-driven insights to inform decision-making, enabling recruiters to focus on more important tasks such as building relationships with candidates, conducting in-depth interviews, and strategizing for long-term talent acquisition success.

According to the report The Future of Recruiting by LinkedIn, 74% of hiring professionals say they hope to see repetitive tasks automated, so they can prioritize more strategic HR work by integrating AI into the recruitment process.

Human input remains critical for various aspects of the hiring process. Human recruiters are necessary to set strategic objectives, define job requirements, and make final hiring decisions. AI algorithms are not capable of replacing human intuition and decision-making skills in these areas.

Controlling Your AI Recruitment Tools

Artificial intelligence has its own limitations and biases, just like any other technology. If AI systems are trained on biased data, the results will also be biased. Additionally, AI algorithms can be hard to understand as they often work as black boxes, making it difficult to comprehend how they make their decisions.

When it comes to hiring, the level of control that recruiting and TA teams have over their AI tools depends on the specific technologies being used and the organization's approach to AI integration. AI-driven recruitment and TA platforms are designed to be highly customizable, allowing organizations to configure them based on their unique needs and preferences. In addition, many AI-driven recruitment platforms have features that enable ongoing monitoring and adjustment of AI algorithms, helping teams to refine their tools and improve their performance over time.

For instance, our company uses the ATS called Breezy HR. One of its key features is the "Candidate Match Score," which leverages AI to compare job descriptions with resumes based on clear criteria in a position's settings. This score is then displayed on a candidate's profile, ranging from 0 to 10. The weighting of match criteria can be adjusted in the position's settings, and match scoring can be enabled or disabled for each position.

Can AI Lead to Biased Hiring?

AI is increasingly used in hiring processes, but there is a concern that it can perpetuate hiring biases that exist in the data used to train the algorithms. AI algorithms use historical data to make predictions about future outcomes, so if the data is biased, the algorithm will also be biased. For example, if a company's historical hiring data shows a preference for male candidates, an AI algorithm trained on this data will likely recommend more male candidates.

AI algorithms can also create new biases if they are not designed with diversity and inclusion in mind. For instance, if an algorithm is designed to prioritize certain qualifications or experiences that are more commonly held by a certain demographic group, it may disadvantage candidates from other groups. The lack of transparency in AI algorithms can also lead to biased hiring because it can be difficult for HR specialists and business owners to identify and correct biases.

To mitigate the potential for AI to lead to biased hiring, there are several steps that HR specialists and business owners can take:

  • Ensure diversity in the training data: It's important to use a diverse set of data to train AI algorithms that accurately represent the entire applicant pool and avoid perpetuating existing biases.
  • Use diverse sources of data: Along with ensuring diversity in the training data, it's also important to incorporate diverse sources of data in AI algorithm training, such as resumes, interviews, and performance metrics.
  • Test for bias: Regularly testing AI algorithms for bias and adjusting them as needed is necessary. This involves examining the DEI outcomes of the algorithms for different demographic groups and making sure they are fair and an unbiased representation of your candidate pool.
  • Ensure transparency: It's important to provide candidates with information on how AI algorithms work and how their data is being used to ensure transparency in the hiring process.
  • Supplement AI with human judgment: While AI can assist in the hiring process, it's important to supplement it with human judgment. HR specialists and business owners should use AI as a tool to support human decision-making, not solely rely on it for hiring decisions.

AI in Practice

AI-driven tools automate repetitive tasks, provide data-driven insights, and improve the candidate experience. By applying AI, professionals can devote more time to strategically important things.

This article itself is an example of such an approach. By using AI tools, the time it took to write the article was cut in half. Three tools that proved to be helpful are:

  • Bing AI: For researching articles and surveys to prepare for writing the article, covering additional topics related to the article's theme.
  • ChatGPT: A tool that helps proofread texts for grammatical errors and select structures in English for better readability.
  • DeepL: An AI-based translator that has become an asset for writing articles in English for non-native speakers.
  • MidJourney: This AI image generator created the images you have encountered while reading this article.

Whether to apply AI to work or company processes is ultimately up to each individual. However, AI is increasingly becoming an integral part of our daily lives and may quietly and effectively simplify many tasks for recruitment, TA, and HR professionals .

Alina Neverova
Global Talent Acquisition Expert
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Alina Neverova is a Global Talent Acquisition Expert with over six years of experience in recruiting. Alina has worked with top international companies from the Fortune 500 list, starting her career in a recruiting agency before moving into IT 4 years ago.

Alina has successfully built recruiting processes from scratch, hired over 120 specialists in two years for an IT startup, and built a strong recruiting team. Her areas of expertise include building hiring strategies, training recruiting teams, hiring planning, automating sourcing processes, utilizing AI in HR and recruiting analytics.

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Administrative management from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

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