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36 Key HRMS Features (Basic, Core, & Advanced)

Basic, core, and advanced HRMS software features that streamline HR processes and effectiveness.

Karan Vasita
Human Resources Technology specialist with 10+ year experience in software
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An HR professional using her laptop to access the features of a company’s human resources management system.
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Human resources management systems (HRMS) enable HR experts to concentrate on strategic objectives and employee development by automating and streamlining key HR operations.

Given the variety of HR management systems available on the market, it's essential to be discerning: The availability of certain HRMS software features can greatly impact how an organization manages its human resources.

This article will examine core, basic, and advanced HR management software features and their importance for crucial HR functions to help you choose the right HRMS for your company.

In This Article

The various features included in HRMS software allow HR teams to digitize and automate administrative procedures, giving people greater autonomy, enabling data-driven decision-making, assuring compliance, and promoting organizational efficiency and productivity. But not all HRMS systems are an ideal fit for your organization.

Deciding Which HRMS System Features to Prioritize

To understand which HRMS is a good fit for your company, you must first know which of these systems’ features can help your HR team’s overall effectiveness.

For example, the size of your workforce will determine whether your ideal vendor should specialize in HR software for small businesess or enterprise-level organizations. You may also be more concerned with certain aspects of HR than others— some HR software features allow for more complex analytics and strategic planning capabilities.

An HR software dashboard on a laptop screen showing employee data reports.

12 Key HRMS Software Features You Must Look For

The 12 points listed below are non-negotiable when selecting HRMS software for your company. Each one of these features will enhance your HR operations and improve overall efficiency.

1. Payroll Management

The computation and processing of employee salaries are automated by a payroll module incorporated into the human resources information system (HRIS). It manages tax calculations, deductions, and benefits to ensure correct and timely payments for your workforce. By automating tedious procedures, the payroll software streamlines the payroll process, reduces errors, and saves time.

2. Training and Development

Organizations can design and manage training programs using HRMS software that includes elements for training and development. It assists in storing training templates and materials, tracking employee training progress, and identifying skill gaps. This feature fosters staff development and aids workforce planning while boosting organizational competence as a whole.

3. Compliance and Data Security

Good HRMS providers put data security and privacy first. They use strong encryption protocols and role-based access controls and adhere to industry standards like the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Organizations comply with legal obligations and maintain data integrity by assisting with regulatory reporting and audits by connecting with the best HCM software companies. Platforms for human resource management systems (HRMS) secure sensitive employee data and uphold organizational trust by prioritizing compliance and data security.

4. Attendance And Time Tracking

With the help of this cloud-based function, it is possible to monitor and manage staff attendance, which includes clock-in and clock-out hours, vacation and sick leave, and break times. For correct wage determinations based on data, it interfaces with payroll and delivers reports for attendance management.

5. Benefits Administration

The management of employee benefits, including insurance, retirement schemes, and healthcare programs, is made easier by this function. It manages benefits enrollment, monitors eligibility, and informs workers of the benefits offered. It also automates processes linked to benefits and provides reports, easing the administrative strain on HR professionals.

6. Recruitment And Onboarding

A thorough onboarding and recruitment module simplifies the employment procedure. HR managers can make job posts, follow up on applications, plan interviews, and store candidate profiles. The customizable onboarding tool makes creating employee profiles, gathering documents, and conducting orientation activities easier after hiring a candidate.

7. Performance Management

Organizations can use a native performance management module within their HRMS to evaluate employee performance, create targets, and monitor career development. It offers a structure for continuing talks about coaching, development, and data-backed feedback. Managers can discover areas for improvement and use performance data and ratings to assist them in deciding on promotions and awards.

8. Leave and Absence Management

With this feature, employees can access a self-service site to request and manage their paid time off, vacation, and sick time. It creates reports for leave management, tracks leave balances in real-time, and automates the approval process. This automation ensures staff absences are handled correctly and effectively.

9. Succession Planning

With the help of this HRMS feature, businesses can recognize high-potential workers and make programs to prepare them for future leadership positions. It enables efficient succession planning and talent development plans by assisting HR managers to keep tabs on employee performance, abilities, and career aspirations.

10. Integration Capabilities

The ability of HRMS software to integrate with other corporate systems is essential for the seamless flow of data. Other software programs like accounting and payroll systems, candidate relations management (CRM) tools, enterprise resource planning (ERP), human capital management (HCM) systems, or time and attendance systems should be able to interface with them.

Integration ensures a comprehensive view of personnel information across several systems by removing data duplication, cutting down on manual entry, and improving data accuracy.

11. Employee Engagement

Features that encourage employee involvement raise productivity and satisfaction among workers. These could include communication tools, recognition plans, and employee surveys. Features focussed on employee engagement improve the working environment and the relationship between employees and employers.

12. Document Management

Employee papers like contracts, certifications, and performance appraisals are securely stored and accessible through a centralized document management tool. It makes manual paperwork unnecessary and lowers the risk of document loss by enabling HR professionals to store, retrieve, and exchange records electronically with the security of controlled access.

A manager using an HRMS calendar feature to access employee attendance records.

12 Basic HRMS Software Features

Some basic features listed here are also described as key features above. This is because, essential as they are, these features are the baseline requirements of an HRMS.

These HRMS features provide HR professionals with basic functions that serve as the cornerstone of HR operations technologies.

1. Employee Database Management

HRMS software provides a centralized database to store and manage thorough personnel data. It contains the entire employee life cycle information such as work titles, departments, compensation information, and personal information like contact information, emergency contacts, and identity papers.

The tool manages HR procedures and makes data management simple to retrieve employee information as required.

2. Performance Analytics

HR executives can obtain insights into employee performance trends, spot talent shortages, and make data-driven decisions with HRMS software, which offers extensive analytics and reporting capabilities.

Most HRMS platforms have visually appealing dashboards and reports emphasizing important performance data, enabling HR to evaluate team and individual performance at a glance and take appropriate corrective action if needed.

3. Employee Benefits Management

HR specialists can effectively administer employee benefits programs with HRMS software. It allows for managing various benefits, including flexible spending accounts, retirement programs, and health insurance.

The program keeps track of benefit eligibility, simplifies enrollment, manages plan modifications, and ensures that employee paycheck deductions are taken correctly.

4. Organizational Structure Management

HR departments can define and manage the company's organizational structure with this HRMS feature. HR professionals can build and change departments, teams, and reporting hierarchies within the system.

This function makes communication and collaboration easier by clearly showing the organization's organizational structure. The HRMS providers ensure that decision-making becomes more efficient.

5. Employee Performance Evaluation

HRMS provides resources for managing and carrying out employee performance reviews. In the system, HR professionals can create performance objectives, monitor results, and give feedback to workers. This tool makes finding top performers, supporting performance growth, and deciding on awards and recognition easier. It guarantees an organized and uniform method of performance management throughout the company.

6. Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

The onboarding and offboarding processes are made more efficient by an HRMS. The technology automates employee training, scheduling orientations, and document collection for onboarding. This automation feature guarantees new hires a seamless and structured orientation to the business.

Tasks, including exit interviews, asset return, and knowledge transfer, are made easier by HRMS during offboarding. This feature ensures proper procedures are followed and staff departures are handled efficiently.

7. Employee Compensation Management

The administration of employee compensation programs is made easier by HRMS. The system enables HR professionals to maintain compensation information, salary adjustments, and bonuses. This function guarantees precise payroll processing and supports HR departments in efficiently managing and communicating employee benefits.

8. Employee Communication and Collaboration

Several human resource information system platforms offer collaboration and communication options to increase employee engagement and internal communication. Company-wide announcements, discussion forums, and personnel directories are a few examples of these functionalities.

The HRMS promotes community by facilitating seamless communication within the company, increasing employee engagement. It also offers a forum for HR departments to communicate crucial changes, HR policies, and guidelines.

9. Employee Surveys and Feedback

The HRMS provides tools for surveying employees and gathering input on several aspects of the workplace. These polls can be used to gauge employee engagement and satisfaction and to collect suggestions for improvement.

Designing and distributing surveys within the system allows HR professionals to collect input, analyze the results, and take appropriate action. Understanding employee sentiment, identifying areas for development, and improving the overall employee experience are all made easier by this tool.

10. Employee Records and Document Management

HRMS provides a secure platform for managing and preserving personnel records and documents. Important papers like employment contracts, confidentiality agreements, performance reviews, disciplinary action reports, and other pertinent data can be stored by HR experts.

This function makes it simple to retrieve documents when necessary and assures compliance with data protection requirements. It also decreases the possibility of document loss or destruction, improves confidentiality, and eliminates the requirement for physical storage space.

11. HR Analytics and Reporting

HR teams have access to powerful analytics and reporting tools with HRMS systems. HR experts can use this capability to produce meaningful reports and visual dashboards on numerous HR indicators. These dashboards use intuitive analysis to identify areas of focus for HR professionals— a far cry from the Excel spreadsheets of yesteryear.

HRM systems can examine information on hiring, performance, training, and other topics, including employee turnover. This access to granular and overall HR analytics supports data-driven decision-making, trend detection, and evaluation of HR initiative efficacy. It enables HR departments to streamline and match their plans with strategic corporate objectives.

12. Employee Performance Tracking and Goal Setting

The HRMS has timesheets for managing and tracking employee goals and performance. HR specialists and managers can use this tool to design metrics like key performance indicators (KPIs), set performance goals, and monitor employee development.

It offers a centralized platform for continuous performance management where managers can conduct performance reviews, send notifications, give regular feedback, and record performance-related conversations.

Additionally, HRMS software enables aligning individual objectives with organizational ones, ensuring employees' efforts focus on overall business success. This feature encourages transparency, responsibility, and ongoing development within the company.

Two HR professionals discussing the advanced features they need from a new HRMS software platform while looking at a laptop screen.

12 Advanced HRMS Software Features

Numerous HRMS software features improve multiple aspects of managing human resources within an organization.

While a few of these features may require more technical ability from your HR team to implement than the basic features listed above, “advanced” is not the same as “complicated”.

“Advanced” in this case instead refers to what we consider as sophisticated features you’d typically find in a top-of-range HRMS.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Integration

Workflow and process automation are added to many HR operations due to AI integration in HRMS platforms. To save time and effort, AI algorithms can help with processes like candidate shortlisting, resume screening, and interview scheduling.

AI can be employed for sentiment analysis, employee sentiment monitoring, and individualized feedback. AI integration improves HR effectiveness and efficiency by automating repetitive operations and offering insightful data.

2. Employee Self-Service (ESS)

ESS portals allow employees to manage their benefits, apply for leaves, track attendance, examine pay slips, and access and update their personal information.

The self-service portal encourages increased self-sufficiency by giving employees authority over their HR-related duties while easing the administrative strain on HR staff. Employee happiness and experience are often improved because of easy access to and management of HR information.

3. Workforce Analytics and Predictive Insights

With workforce management analytics and predictive insights, companies have advanced data-driven skills to analyze HR data and make wise decisions. Predictive modeling, trend analysis, and complex data visualization tools are all provided by HCM programs with this feature.

It enables HR practitioners to spot trends, anticipate future workforce requirements, and put proactive plans into practice to maximize talent acquisition, retention, and productivity.

4. Employee Wellness and Wellbeing

By including specialized modules or integrations, modern HRMS platforms place a high priority on employee wellness. These sections offer information and assistance with wellness issues like workplace stress management, fitness regimens, and mental health.

HRMS solutions support a positive work environment and assist organizations in prioritizing employee wellness by encouraging a healthy work-life balance and providing tools for employee well-being.

5. Advanced Leave Management

The process of obtaining and managing various leaves is streamlined and automated by HRMS systems with comprehensive leave management features. The system makes it simple for employees to apply for paid time off, sick days, parental leaves, sabbaticals, and other leave kinds.

The HRMS enhances approvals, automates leave accruals, keeps tabs on leave balances, and ensures correct leave records while lowering administrative burden.

6. Employee Recognition and Rewards

Programs for rewarding and recognizing employees are incorporated into HRMS platforms to recognize and value their accomplishments. These characteristics make peer-to-peer recognition, manager recognition, and reward nomination possible.

Programs for recognizing and rewarding employees help to create a healthy work environment, raise morale among staff members, and promote engagement.

7. Talent Acquisition And Recruitment

Comprehensive recruitment capabilities on modern HRMS platforms simplify the entire talent management process. Organizations can advertise job positions, track applicants, handle candidate assessments, arrange interviews, and simplify offer management with the help of these tools.

Integration with job boards and social media platforms increases the recruitment process efforts and broadens the audience for job ads. HRMS software streamlines the hiring process and expedites employment by utilizing enhanced recruitment features, effectively attracting top employees.

8. Advanced Workflow Automation

Advanced workflow automation capabilities are included in HRMS platforms, enabling businesses to automate difficult HR procedures. Performance reviews, promotions, disciplinary actions, employee transfers, and other HR activities particular to the organization may be included in these processes.

Workflow automation streamlines HR procedures, minimizes human error, and assures consistency and compliance. It simplifies the HR process and boosts the effectiveness of HR initiatives.

9. Skills and Competency Management

Platforms for HRMS include capabilities for managing skills and competencies. With the help of these features, organizations map employee competencies, detect skill shortages, and establish and manage thorough skill inventories.

Organizations can strategically plan for workforce development, allocate suitable jobs and projects, promote career growth and training opportunities, and more by assessing staff skills and competencies.

10. Global HR and Localization

HR solutions intended for international corporations include global HR management and translation capabilities. These functions support various languages, currencies, time zones, and legal compliance standards unique to certain nations or areas.

With global HR features, organizations can successfully manage HR procedures across their foreign locations while abiding by employees’ local laws and practices.

11. Customization and Scalability

Advanced HRMS software gives scalability and customization capabilities to adjust to the specific requirements of organizations. HR professionals can specify particular data fields, customize forms, and set up workflow configurations according to their needs. Organizations can integrate the HRMS with their current procedures and rules because of its flexibility.

Additionally, HRMS platforms are made to evolve with an organization, allowing more employees and changing HR requirements without sacrificing functions or user experience.

12. Learning Management System (LMS) Integration

Businesses can efficiently deliver and manage employer training programs using HRMS software with an LMS connection. HR professionals can design and assign courses, monitor completion, and identify skill gaps.

Integration of an LMS fosters ongoing education and professional growth, ensuring that staff members have the competencies to succeed in their positions.

HRMS Features: Conclusion

HRMS software is essential for companies of all sizes. There are numerous benefits of HR software: it improves overall staff management, increases efficiency, and improves HR procedures.

Essential HRMS software features, divided into three categories, have been examined throughout this article. Although these elements can be classified as basic, core, or advanced, it's crucial to remember that their worth might change based on the organization's demands, pricing, and objectives. A complete HRMS should be adaptable and scalable to accommodate each company's needs.

The entire potential of an organization's human capital can be unlocked by investing in a comprehensive HRMS with basic, core, and advanced features that can revolutionize HR operations. It is a crucial tool for companies seeking to prosper in a competitive and dynamic environment, resulting in greater organizational performance and long-term growth.

Karan Vasita
Human Resources Technology specialist with 10+ year experience in software
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Karan Vasita is passionate about enabling companies and individuals to realize their full potential by incorporating HR technology into organizational strategy and process management. His software development and HR management background gives him a special combination of technical know-how and strategic HR insights.

Throughout his career, Karan has performed technical evaluations of HR software systems, giving insightful information to organizations looking to optimize their HR processes. He is a highly sought-after consultant in the HR technology industry due to his technical prowess and capacity to bridge the HR and IT division.

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