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Office Hours with SelectSoftware Reviews

We’re starting office hours at SelectSoftware for people who want to connect 1:1 for quick advice...

Phil Strazzulla
HR Tech Expert, Harvard MBA, Software Enthusiast
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I started SelectSoftware because I know firsthand how hard it is to find and buy the right HR and recruiting software.  There are too many vendors, biased online research, and lots of conflicting opinions.  I wanted to help, and knew that I could create a site to aggregate all the best information from the smartest people in our industry.

I get a lot of joy from looking at the number of people who visit our site to learn from our research.  Currently, that number is a few hundred people per day, who each spend ~15 minutes of their valuable time on one of our software landscape pages (everything from ATS systems to AI).

However, while seeing a stat in google analytics is one thing, I always get a lot more pleasure from talking to people 1:1 about their current search for the right HR or recruiting tool.  I learn a lot from their pro tips, struggles, and wins.  Of course, I also hope I can shed some light on what I’d do in their situation.

I do interact with a lot of HR and recruiting professionals on a monthly basis.  But, many of them are already in my network.  So I wanted to start formalizing a way to talk to the people who come to our site to learn more about how we can help them, and to share any insights I can offer.

Office Hours at SSR

With all that in mind, I started offering time on my calendar each week to anyone in the world who wants to book it and chat HRTech.  The experiment kicked off last week, and I was pleasantly surprised.

I had a great conversation with the head of HR at a 1,000 employee company.  I got to chat with the head of marketing for a HRTech vendor.  And, I talked to someone who was building out a staffing firm.  So far, the experiment has been a success!

Zoom call with Phil Strazzula of SelectSoftware and a head of HR

With that in mind, I’m going to keep a block on my calendar open that anyone can book here.  I just have a few rules and clarifications:

  • This time slot is all yours and I have no agenda.  Please come ready with questions I can answer to help you on your way to buying the right TA/HR software for your business.
  • Great topics are: how do I get budget for a tool I’m considering, how do I think about ROI for a specific tool, how do I deal with internal stakeholders, what do you think of XYZ vendor, what do you think the best vendors are for XYZ category, is XYZ software right for my business…the list goes on!
  • For non-HR/TA practitioners, I’m happy to chat about topics like: investing in HRTech companies, marketing HRTech companies, product roadmaps.
  • Please do not book time and try to sell me something.  You’re taking a slot from someone who wants help, and trying to sell in a very devious way that’s just going to make me mad.
  • Please don’t change your time slot last minute, you’re taking a spot from someone who needs it!
  • I’m not a consultant and don’t have a strong desire to be.  So, if you need in depth help over the course of weeks/months, I can refer you to someone and you should shoot me a note but unfortunately I’m too busy writing content for SSR to help individual companies, sorry.
  • Please share your pro tips that you’ve learned when buying software, or a tool that maybe isn’t on my radar but should be.  Our website isn’t pay to play, we just feature the best software and we want to know who we are missing!
  • Please let me know what how our research is helpful, or areas we can do better and go more in depth.

If our research is helpful to you, or our office hours pointed you in the right direction, please help us by spreading the word about SSR to your HR/recruiting networking group of choice :)

Phil Strazzulla
HR Tech Expert, Harvard MBA, Software Enthusiast
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Phil is the founder of SelectSoftware Reviews, a website dedicated to helping HR and Recruiting teams find and buy the right software through in-depth, expert advice. He has bought over $1 million worth of HR and Recruiting tools. Additionally, as of 2023, nearly 3 million HR professionals have relied on his advice to determine which business software they should buy.

Phil studied finance at New York University and started his career working in venture capital before getting his MBA from Harvard Business School. His in-depth understanding of the Saas landscape, especially HR Tech, stems from nearly a decade of researching and working with these tools as a computer programmer, user, and entrepreneur.

Featured in: Entrepreneur Harvard Business School Yahoo HR.com Recruiting Daily Hacking HR Podcast HR ShopTalk Podcast Employer Branding for Talent Acquisition (Udemy Course)

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