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Home / Blog / 15 HR Tech Must-Reads from - 2024

15 HR Tech Must-Reads from - 2024

Here are the best HR Tech articles we're reading this month!

Chris Hatler
HR tech researcher, writer and editor
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After a holiday break, we’re back with the best reads across the HR blogosphere from January. We’re always scouring the net for the best new insights that keep us on the forefront of HR Tech. 

Highlights from this month’s round-up include:

  • Recruiting trends that will stick around after COVID.
  • Survey data about salary transparency.
  • The growing impact of data in HR.

Keep scrolling for all that and more!

  • Ever consider that premium content could change how we learn? Johnny Campbell, CEO of Social Talent, likens the future of learning and development strategies to services like Netflix and Peloton in a recent blog post. 
  • Lars Schmidt shares some advice for building a career as an HR operator on eightfold.ai’s blog. He shares ten helpful tips for any HR practitioner, including prioritizing learning and building a good reputation. 
  • Liz Lewis shares findings from a recent Indeed survey, concluding that salary transparency and fair pay are proven to attract and retain talent, while also nurturing high employee engagement and productivity.
  • Sustaining organizational diversity is a difficult task. James Haskett of Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge journal uses Coca Cola as a case study to explore this idea. 
  • Josh Bersin himself reflects on the future of remote work, and how it’s not quite as rosy as we initially thought. He touches on the disparity between rich and poor workers’ ability to work from home, as well as differences between younger and older workers. 
  • Many voices chime in on Keirsten Greggs’ article for ERE, sharing recruiting tips from a holiday episode of her weekly live chat. 
  • Data analytics plays a bigger role in HR every day. Susie Lee of Degreed talks about unique ways to measure learning in order to have an impact on business value. 
  • Myrah Abrar describes how on-campus recruiting has adapted to the challenges of COVID-19. She lands on virtual events and brand awareness as two necessary components for success. 
  • It’s time to put the human back in human resources. Heidi Green has some strong words for those who aren’t ready to adapt to a people-first culture on her post for Recruiting Daily. 
  • CEO of Talkpush Max Armbruster pens 10 recruiting trends that will continue even post-COVID. By using data, he makes compelling points for forever work-from-home and the decline of career sites. 
  • With the pandemic leading to flexible working arrangements, employees moved out of expensive urban areas. Some companies cut pay to reflect lower cost of living, while others didn’t. Mark Feffer digs deeper into this phenomenon on HCM Technology Report. 
  • On the PeopleKeep blog, Jordan Berkenpas talks about which benefits have the strongest effect on retention and recruiting. 
  • Jon Sumser questions AI’s role in hiring by pulling back the curtain on uncoded bias. He concludes in a post for HR Examiner that there are many ethical considerations to letting machine hiring completely take over the human side of the task. 
  • What metrics should your HR team be measuring? Achievers’ blog has a list of 24 to think about. 
  • Kai Hammond of HR Digital Today interviews Helen McGuire, the CEO of Diversely, on how to start hiring impactfully. Helen also lays out some business advice and personal anecdotes for success.

Till next month...

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Chris Hatler
HR tech researcher, writer and editor
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Chris was the content marketing manager at SSR between 2020 and 2021 during which time he researched and published in-depth buyer guides to help HR professionals source and buy the best software solutions for their business. He's now a highly sought-after writer and editor based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Featured in: Yahoo Runners World Bicycling The Takeout Alt Press Recruiting News Network

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