Riddhi Dhadda

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Riddhi Dhadda is the former marketing executive at Transformify and current marketing specialist for Imperial College FMCG. She hold and Msc in strategic marketing from the Imperial College Business School.

Featured in: EIN Presswire The HR Director Transformify

Riddhi Dhadda

Riddhi Dhadda is the former marketing executive at Transformify and current marketing specialist for Imperial College FMCG. She hold and Msc in strategic marketing from the Imperial College Business School.

Featured in: EIN Presswire The HR Director Transformify

Blogs written by Riddhi Dhadda

What Is a Freelance Management System?...

What Is a Freelance Management System and How Can Companies Leverage It the Right Way?

Discover why you should use and how to leverage freelance management systems for your freelancers...

March 29, 2021
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